by Kathleen Murphy | 1 Nov, 2013 | Calendar Blogs, Out & about in Herefordshire & beyond
Bangers that go off in the sky early in November are best accompanied by bangers that warm the onlooker. Guy Fawkes night and a hot dog, just like a horse and carriage. Dave Waller is one of the counties most recogniseable butchers and I visited him on the 36th...
by Kathleen Murphy | 30 Sep, 2013 | Calendar Blogs, Out & about in Herefordshire & beyond
It looks like being a bumper year for orchard fruits. My conference pears could hang for a few more days before picking but the sight of them spurred me on yesterday to cook a favorite pear recipe, so simple and yet really stunning visually and to one’s taste...
by Kathleen Murphy | 29 Aug, 2013 | Calendar Blogs, Out & about in Herefordshire & beyond
Damsons have been part of the Herefordshire landscape for centuries and are common in Cumbria, Shropshire and Herefordshire. Their uses are various and include use as a boundary hedging plant, for dye-stuff and for culinary uses. Daiv Sizer has written a quite...
by Kathleen Murphy | 29 Jul, 2013 | Calendar Blogs, Out & about in Herefordshire & beyond
Partial to a potato cake? Can’t pass a crisp chip? Sausages undressed without gravy and mash? The worthy potato covers so many bases and grows very well in the rich, red Herefordshire soils. But last week I learned it has a higher calling. Deep in the verdant lanes of...
by Kathleen Murphy | 1 Jul, 2013 | Calendar Blogs, Out & about in Herefordshire & beyond
What a pleasant start to my day – a sunny walk around one of the 300 acres of Pixley Berries blackcurrant fields, with views to the Malverns and berries just starting to turn colour. Herefordshire has a long history of growing blackcurrants, the climate and...