by Kathleen Murphy | 8 Sep, 2014 | Calendar Blogs, Out & about in Herefordshire & beyond
This morning was not the best time to turn up at Cilla Clive’s Fruit Farm, Redbank, close to Ledbury. Despite the pressures of harvesting, monitoring ripening apples and huge decisions to be made as the fruit market across Europe reels at the fallout from Russian...
by Phoebe Clive | 1 Mar, 2014 | Calendar Blogs, Fabric & Textiles, Out & about in Herefordshire & beyond
Sam Prentice’s workshop is crammed with furniture. It’s always this way when I visit. Sam is self conscious about it, ‘You can’t photograph here, it’s too messy’ he protests. Over the years I’ve come to understand that any upholsterer that isn’t busy isn’t very good....
by Kathleen Murphy | 31 Jan, 2014 | Calendar Blogs, Out & about in Herefordshire & beyond
Sitting in the Velvet Bean’s chocolate kitchen, beside the shop in Church Street, Ledbury, was a deep breathing moment for me. Paddles slowly turning the gently warming chocolate in three “bain mairies” that look like they mean business immediately...