Having spent the period between Christmas and New Year moving stuff, decorating, re-designing, renewing and reclining (a little, after much physical exertion) we thought we’d show off the results. Tinsmiths now has a larger area to display more rolls of fabric and larger samples of designs that need to be seen full length. The new fabric area is on the ground floor of the showroom (the steel and glass building in our courtyard) and we are enjoying increased elbow space and the reduced threat of fabric avalanches. The original Tinsmiths  surprised us all – it is a larger space than we realised and our initial worries about dedicating the ground floor to showing prints have been quashed. Although the space has a much lower ceiling artists’ prints look quite at home in the space and somehow more accessible. We are looking foward to the 2011 Print Show – the first exhibition to take up the new Print Space. Upstairs in the timber framed building is now used to show all the lovely Tinsmiths pendant, wall and exterior lights. So, do come and visit our newly arranged Tinsmiths this Spring.

Tinsmiths Showrooms 2011